Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Woensdag 7 Mei

Die polisie het die twee gewapende manne die nag by ons gelos om ons op te pas. Sib sit baie suur daar want hulle het die hele nag gelag en gesels sodat niemand werklik kon slaap nie. Ten minste het hulle vir ons heerlike ontbyt en shai (tee) gegee. Toe ons ry, het hulle ons vergesel tot ons noord op die teerpad gedraai het.

The police left the two armed gueards with us last night. Sib wasn't very happy because he couldn't sleep: They spoke loudly the whole night. As we got up they offered us some of their breakfast and shai (tea). I ate a lot with them. As we left they escorted us back to the tar road and made sure that we turned north.

Ons het 'n dooie donkie en skaap in die water gesien verby dryf. Vroegoggend het orals vroue gesit wat hul skottelgoed in die water gewas het.

We saw a dead donkey and sheep floating past. Early morning many women were sitting and washing their dishes in that water.

Oor Sib (regs) gaan ek later vir julle 'n lang storie skryf.

About Sib (right) I am going to write a long story for you.

Ons het weer kat en muis met die polisie begin te speel en van die Nylpad afgedraai, in die woestyn in. In plaas van Kairo en die piramides uit die suide te nader, het ons toe suid-wes uit die woestyn gekom. Dit was 'n heerlike ry sonder ons permanente begeleiers.

We started again with our cat and mouse play with the police. We turned west from the tar road along the Nile and drove / rode into the desert. In stead of coming to Cairo from the south we reached the pyramids and Cairo from the desert, from south-west. We enjoyed the peace without our permanent escort.

Ek het 'n knop in die keel gehad toe die piramides vir die eerste keer oor die woestynvlaktes verskyn.

I felt a bit emotional when the pyramids appeared above the desert horizon for the first time.

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