Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ravenna, Italie


Die skip het nou vir 24 uur in Ravenna gestop. Dis nie waar ek behoort af te klim nie maar ek kan nie meer so lank stilsit nie. Ek is nou van boord en gaan nou met die KLR Monfalcone toe ry waar hopenlik more my simkaart wag. Dan sal dit met die kommunikasie weer makliker gaan.

My hart is vanoggend swaar omdat die einde van my toer so naby is. Is ek al gereed om die KLR af te sit?

Good morning!

Our ship stopped in Ravenna, Italy, for 24 hours now. It is not supposed to be my final destination but I cannot sit stil any longer. I left the ship with my trusty KLR. I am going to ride to Monfalcone now where hopefully the sim card will be waiting tomorrow. Then communication will be easier.

My heart is heavy today. The end of my tour is so close. I do not know whether I am ready to stop.

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