Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Maandag 5 Mei

Maandagoggend vroeg: Ons wag vir die konvooi vanaf Aswan na Luxor, en eet ontbyt op 'n Rolls Royce se enjinkap! Die Rolls is Mike en Jeanette van Ginkel van die Silver Spirit Adventure s'n. Mike en Jeanette stel 'n skitterende voorbeeld van drome uitleef in 'n ouderdom van 70 +.!

Monday morning early: We await the start of the convoy from Aswan to Luxor and enjoy our breakfast on the Rolls Royce of Mike and Jeanette van Ginkel of the Silver Spirit Adventure. They set a brilliant example of living your dreams!

Die konvooi is 'n klug. Dit beskerm toeriste glad nie. Selfs 'n skeel terroris kan met 'n RPG 'n bus of tien uitknikker.

The convoy is a joke and serves no protection to the tourists at all. Even a blind terrorist can knock out a bus of ten with a RPG.

Middagkonvooi vanaf Luxor: Ek en Sib en Nic Andela het van die konvooi weggebreek by Qena. Daar het ons probleme begin. Orals is ons deur polisie ingewag. Waar ons ook al wou kampeer, het hulle dit gekeer. As ons wou koffie drink, is eers vier gewapende manne in die lokaal in en het die plaaslike mense verwilder. Ons was verstom oor die totale kontrole. Ons het later geweier om verder te ry en sommer by 'n polisiepos kamp gemaak, tot ontsteltenis van die plaaslike bevelvoer.

Afternoon convoy from Luxor. Sib and Nic Andela and I brole away from the convoy at Qena. There our problems started. All along the route the police waited on us. The made sure that we couldn't camp at the Nile. When we wanted to go and drink coffee four armed guys first went in and chased away the local people. We couldn't believe our eyes. Late afternoon we refused to go on any further and camped at a local police station, to the utter dismay of the commanding officer.

Een van die kanale by die Nyl. Ons kon nie stop om foto's te neem van baie mooi plekke nie. Dit sal dus net in my herinnering verder leef.

One of the channels of the Nile. Due to the police we could at many places not stop to take photographs. Those scenes will stay alive in my memory.

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