Monday, June 30, 2008

Laaste reis van die KLR in Europa vir hierdie jaar.

Goeie more!

Vanoggend se Duitse koerante het veral twee prominente berigte op die voorblaaie: Spanje wat Europakampioen geword het, en die verkiesing van mnr. Mugabe.

Dit was 'n wonderlike paar weke van sokker, al is ek geen sokkeraanhanger nie. Die Duitsers was wonderlike ondersteuners van hul span en ook goeie verloorders. Volpunte aan hulle.

Oor mnr. Mugabe is die berigte minder vleiend. Al die koerante noem dit bedrog en 'n klug.

En noem dat hy slegs staande bly as gevolg van Suid-Afrika se hulp aan hom ... Pynlik.

(Ek weet 'n mens begin nie 'n sin met "en" nie, maar ek wou.)

Vanoggend takel ek die 400 km Munchen toe. Dis my laaste lang ry hier in Europa. Ek wil probeer vanmiddag die meeste papierwerk by Doeane afhandel, en more oggend moet ek die fiets dan afgee aan die lugdiens. Weens veiligheidsmaatreels moet die KLR reeds vyf dae voor sy vlug daar wees.

Die KLR loop nog goed maar na 18 000 km van Naboom2Germany word 'n goeie diens nou dringend noodsaaklik. Ek gaan Donderdag my finale indrukke oor die KLR as enduro-toerfiets gee. Daar kom 'n paar interessante stukkies inligting.

Vanaand in Beiere wil ek probeer Schweinshaxe eet (wat ons Suid-Afrikaners Eisbein noem maar hier nie Eisbein is nie) en more vir ontbyt die tipiese Beierse ontbyt van 'n paar Weisswuerste (wit wors), soet mosterd en soutbrood. Die tradisionele Weizenbier daarmee saam los ek vir eers.

Hou duim vas dat ons laaste rit hier ook voorspoedig is!

Wondelrike dag aan julle almal!

Good morning!

This morning the front pages of all the German newspapers carry two reports: Spain's victory over Germany last night, and the results of Zimbabwe's presidential election.

Although I am not a soccer fan I enjoyed the soccer of the last few weeks. The support of the German public for their national team was wonderful, and in defeat they were gracious. Full marks to them!

Less flattening are the reports about mr Mugabe. All the newspapers called the election a farce, and that he remains in power only due to the support of South Africa. How embarrassing.

This morning the KLR and I tackle the 400 km to Munich, our last long ride in Europe. I am going to try and get most paperwork at Customs done this afternoon. Tomorrow I have to hand over the bike to the airline. Due to security measures the bike must be there at least five days before departure.

The bike is still running fine but after 18 000 km of Naboom2Germany riding it is seriously needing a major service soon. On Thursday I will give my final impressions on the KLR as an enduro touring bike. There will be some interesting pieces of information.

Tonight in Bavaria I am going to eat Schweinshaxe (we call it Eisbein in South Africa, but Eisbein and Schweinshaxe are prepared differently), and for breakfast tomorrow the typical Bavarian breakfast of Weisswurst und Suesssenf (a pair of white sausages with a sweet mustard), with that a salty bread bun but no Weizenbier!

So, let us hope that this last ride in Europe will be safe for me and the KLR!

Have a great day!

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