Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wat 'n nag!

Ek het laasnag sleg geslaap. Toe ek wakker word, was ek bly dit was opstaantyd.

Dit was toe nie. Dit was toe kwart oor drie die oggend. Dis toe dat ek die foto hierbo geneem het.

So helder, lig, was die nag hier.

Hoe verder noord ek gaan, hoe helderder gaan die nagte word.

I didn't sleep well last night.

As I woke up and saw that it was light outside I was so glad that the night was over.

It wasn't over. It was only a quarter past three. It was then that I took the photograph above.

It never got dark here.

The further north I ride the more light there will be during the nights.

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