Monday, June 9, 2008

Sib Andela

Julle het al baie van Sib en Nic Andela gelees. Ek het hulle in Noord-Soedan ontmoet, en daarna het ons paaie gereeld gekruis.

Ek gaan more kort oor Sib skryf.

Ek het vanoggend ´n boodskap van Nic uit Londen gekry dat Sib toegang tot Rusland geweier is. Dit is nie 'n goeie teken vir my eie reis soontoe nie.

You've read quite often about Nic and Sib Andela. I met them in Northern Sudan, and after that our roads crossed quite often.

Tomorrow I am going to write about Sib.

This morning I received a message from Nic in London. Sib had been refused entry into Russia. That is not a good sign for my own trip to Russia starting the end of this week.

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