Dis die treurige waarheid. Ek is nie in Rusland toegelaat nie. En dit na 15 000 km. Redes? Dit het alles begin by die mense wat nog steeds 'n helse muur in hul koppe het en nie wyer mag dink nie.
Neem jou voertuigregistrasiesertifikaat. Kyk na die tweede lyn van bo. Voertuigregisternommer. Hoe verklaar jy vir 'n Rus wat die verskil tussen 'n Voertuigregisternommer en 'n voertuigregistrasienommer is?
Die mense sien net registrasiedokumente uit Europa, en enige ander dokument is vir hulle bedrog. Wat nog van 'n dokument uit Suid-Afrika waar die Voertuigregisternommer nie die registrasienommer is nie?
Ek was bitter teleurgesteld. Nou soek ek die positiewe in die situasie, en daar is baie.
1) Nou kom ek beslis terug om oor Siberie te ry, die volle 12 000 km.
2) Ek het nou soveel meer tyd om Letland, Litaue en Pole te leer ken.
Ek haal my hoed af vir die KLR wat my tot op die Russiese grens gedra het. Slegte nuus vir die Russe: Ons kom terug!
Good evening!
Yes, that is the sad reality. I travelled 15 000 km just to be blocked off at the Russian border. The reasons for the refusal? It all started with the big wall that so many people still have in their heads and where independent thinking is still not allowed.
Take your South African vehicle registration paper. Look at the second line from the top. Vehicle Register Number. How doen one explain to a Russian that a Vehicle Register Number is not the vehicle registration number? Impossible!
These guys at the border see only registration documents from Europe. Anything else is forged, Especially if it is from far south of the equator!
I was bitterly disappointed. I tried to figure out what could be positive in the whole situation and found out there is a lot!
1) I am more than ever motivated to come and ride across Siberia, the whole 12 000 km!
2) I have more time now to discover Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.
I salute the KLR for carrying me this far. Bad news for Russia: We will be back!
1 comment:
Hi Lodie,
Maybe this is an opportunity for you to travel further north? There are no borders formalities from where you are all the way to North Cape... If you don't want to go that far, you could still make it to Estonia.
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