Thursday, July 3, 2008

Baie dankie aan julle almal.

Spesiale dankie aan julle!

A special word of thanks to you!

Ek wil graag so aan die einde van my reis vir julle almal baie dankie sê, dankie vir die e-posse, vir die saamlees aan die dagboek, vir die aanmoediging, die bemoediging toe Soedan se hitte my kop laat hang het, BAIE DANKIE! Vir julle ouens wat ek nog nooit ontmoet het nie en miskien ook nooit gaan ontmoet nie, baie dankie! Julle was wonderlik om so aan ‘n wildvreemde te skryf.

Ek gaan hier onder ‘n klompie name alfabeties noem van mense wat voor die toer hulle ondersteuning op so baie maniere gewys het. Ouens, ek waardeer dit so baie! Dankie. Ek sal weer met julle kontak maak wanneer ek by die huis is.

Nearly at the end of Naboom2Germany I would like to thank you all for all the emails, for reading with in the diary, for the support and motivation, especially when the heat in Sudan had scorched my enthusiasm, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Many of you I haven’t met, some of you I will most probably never meet, but thank you for your support to a total stranger.

Below I am going to mention a few names of friends that contributed in many ways to my long tour. Thank you! When I am back home I will contact you again.

My kollegas Lize Cloete en Suzanne Baker – sonder julle groot insette op kantoor sou ek nooit die reis kon doen nie!

Gunther Gehring + Rosi Wacker: Ihr Haus war das Endziel meiner Reise, mein Zuhause in Deutschland. Rosi hat mich unendlich gefuettert, damit ich wieder zunehmen konnte. Vielen Dank Rosi und Gunther. Ich freue mich auf Euren Besuch im November!

Trevor + Louise Bernardt

Rina Bondesio

Johannes+ Liezel Cronjé

Dorette de Jager

Lodie de Jager (sr)

Louis + Riana de Villiers

Gerhard + Nettie de Villiers

Ernst-Jὔrgen Diekmann

Greg du Plooy van Jetline Lynnwood

Ina + Fanie Kalp

Charlene Kennedy

Anja Lubbe

Luke Signs van Marble Hall

John Mailovich

Dorothée Moritz

Lynne Platt – Silver Cube Promotions

Martin + Liezel Prinsloo

Anne Rebstock

Helen Robb

Jacques + Estelle Roos

Minette Roos

Ronelle en Steve Steyn

Elana Swart

Krap Venter

Marius Venter van Interexcel

Rezanne Wessels van Mooiloop

To end off this letter I want to quote Ray Muller who sent me valuable preparation material before I left on this tour. Here are only a few points. When reading this you will understand where I am at this point of Naboom2Germany.

  • You will laugh – for good reason.
  • You will cry – for a reason.
  • You will feel depressed – only you will know the reason.
  • Your life is guaranteed to never be the same.
  • Always be yourself, as you have nothing to prove to any one.
  • You will appreciate everything you have and how fortunate you are, more than ever before.
  • You will gain new perspective.
  • On your return you will be mentally and physically exhausted.

Goodbye until next week on my final leg home!


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