Sunday, March 9, 2008

My laaste Sondag by die huis

(English below)
Volgende Sondag het ek vir die eerste keer in my tentjie op toer wakker geword, weg van die vertroude gemak van my huis en stoep en eie badkamer.
More het ek my laaste To do om te doen: My afspraak by die haarkapper vir 'n lekker kort haarsny.
Gister het ons die laaste noodsaaklike plakkers op die tasse en fiets geplak. Dis drie noodplakkers in geval van 'n ongeluk: Wie moet gekontak word, kontaknommer, versekering, kontakbesonderhede, polisnommer. Dis soos met 'n vliegtuig. Al die dubbele veiligheidsmaatreels moet juis sorg dat niks gebeur nie.
Vanoggend is my oud-bure saam kerk toe. Na die kerk op my stoep bied oud-buurvrou toe aan om vir my padkos vir die eerste aand op toer te maak: Heerlike soggy tamatietoebroodjies (ek vrek oor dit!), hardgekookte eiers, paar stukkies boerewors, miskien nog so 'n paar snytjies beestong ook. As kinders het ons min met ons ouers op vakansie gegaan sonder regte padkos in die motor. Geen behoorlike reis kon sonder so iets aangepak word nie . . .
Ek proe reeds die lekkerte van Saterdagaand langs my fiets sit, op een van die sytasse my tafel gedek. My lang vakansie het begin!
Al die laaste klein dingetjies het ek die naweek klaargemaak: Laaste musiek op my Ipod gelaai; Kleurafskrifte van al die visums gemaak en gelamineer; Die kaarte tot en met die laaste Kenia-skof op die GPS gelaai. Woensdag pak ek my fiets, Vrydag vroeg kom my Vrystaatvriende, Jacques en Estelle Roos, kuier. Die begin van 'n daglange kuier voor baie maande se stilte.
Op die twee foto's is die noodplakker en een van Duitse vriende: Ry nie vinniger as wat jou beskermengel kan vlieg nie.
5 dae 14 ure 55 minute!
Next Sunday I will wake up in my small tent for the first time on tour, away from everything that is so familiar to me: My house, my bed, my stoep and own bathroom.
Tomorrow the last To do item on my list disappears. At nine I am going to get a decent haircut.
Yesterday we put on three emergency stickers on my bike and panniers. It is important that, in case of an accident, people have to know whom they have to contact, my insurance company, their contact number, my policy number. It is like with aircraft: All the security measures are in place only to avoid any crisis.
This morning my ex-neighbors went with to church. After the service, while sitting on my stoep, the lady offered to make me some padkos for the first night on tour: Soggy tomato sandwiches (I just love it!), hard-boiled eggs, a few pieces of boerewors, perhaps even a few slices of tongue. As children we never left home on long vacations without padkos. It just belonged to a holiday, like blue to Loftus.
I already can taste the padkos, laid out on one of the side panniers. My long holiday has started!
During the weekend I completed the last chores. I uploaded the last music onto my Ipod, made colour copies of all the visas, laminated it, I uploaded all the maps up to the Ethiopian border onto my GPS. On Wednesday I am going to pack my bike. On Friday my friends from the Free State, Jacques and Estelle Roos, will be here quite early.
On the two photographs are the emergency sticker and one I've received from German friends: Don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.
5 days 14 hours 55 minutes!


els said...

Hello Lodie,

We want to wish you a save journey and lots of fun with al the new people you are going to meet.

Vele groeten uit Holland, familie van der Pas

Bushfire Khutse 2007.

Lodie said...

Good morning to Holland!

Thank you so much for the good wishes! I do appreciate!

It is a long time since we met in Khutse that night with the fire. And now it is only a few days to my departure!

Do you know what I appreciate the most about your good wishes? The reference to the people that I am going to meet. I do this tour not only for myself and my own discoveries, I want to proof that Africa is a wondeful continent with wonderful people, even though a few governments aren't that wonderful.

