Monday, December 3, 2007

Die Reis gaan verder

Goeie more!
As ek eendag baie bandwydte het vir hoëspoed internet, dan sou ek vir julle nou die bosgeluide opgeneem het sodat julle kan hoor hoe dit klink.
Dit begin lig word in die ooste. Die donkie wat vir die warm water sorg, brand reeds. 'n Heerlike houtrookreuk hang tussen die kameeldoringbome. Die bosfisante begin nou te roep. Hulle het mos so 'n deurdringende roep. Die beste deel kom nou: Roibostee. Ek is tuis 'n koffieverslaafde maar het besluit dat ek op die motorfietstoer meer tee as koffie gaan drink.
Ek het gisteroggend lank oor die kaart gedwaal. Iets kort nog. Ek mis diere. Tot nou toe het ek net bobbejane gesien en een enkele vlakvark (op pad lughawe toe). Toe ek terugkom, lê die vlakvark doodgery.
Toe slaan die sigeunergene deur. In plaas van nou die direkte pad huis toe te ry, draai ek vanoggend noord. Ek hoop om vanaand by Rundu te kan slaap. Vandaar Caprivistrook, Katima, CHOBE NASIONALE PARK!, en dan oor Kasane, Nata en Francistown huis toe. Ek wil ten minste 'n paar olifante sien!
Ek heg my roete in PDF formaat aan. Ek hoop dit is oopmaakbaar.
Good morning to all my German friends and Sophie in the USA!
It is early morning in our beautiful African bush. The birds already started with their calling songs, the francolins send out their piercing calls. In the donkey (not an animal but a structure, in which one makes a fire to heat water for washing) is already burning. Next to do is my tea, our lovely rooibos tea. I am a coffee addicted butI decided to take only tea with on my trip. Coffee takes up to much space.
A map always fascinates me. I have the same urge as my friend Jacques to look at maps and find new routes and destinations.
On this trip the only wild animals I saw were baboons and one single warthog, which was killed by a vehicle soon after that . On the spur of the moment I decided not to tun southwest on the quickest route home, but to turn north, direction Angola border, then Caprivi strip, Katima, and then CHOBE NATIONAL PARK! From there my route will take me over Kasane, Nata and Francistown back home.
I am going to attach a PDF file with my route. I hope it would be possible to open it.

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