Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lodie: The harsh reality of living in Africa

Marsabit, from where we leave this morning, lies in the dry northern Kenya desert region.
Two rainy seasons passed without any rain.
It is dry.
There are still wells with water in and around Marsabit. To these wells farmers from far lying areas are bringing their cattle and goats for water.The cattle look like walking skeletons.
The soil is like powder. Two harvests of maize and beans turned into nothing.
Like last year there is no water in the taps. We three had to get water from a well to wash ourselves.
This morning, for the first time ever, the Christian and Muslim communities in Marsabit will join hands in a prayer meeting for rain. It will take place on an open field across from where we are staying now.
Although the people are as friendly as ever all conversation have one central theme: It must rain soon!
That is the other side of the coin of living in Africa, a reality, which consists of dust and sand and thin children and a constant worry about food and water.
Being confronted with this harsh reality let us, who are living in another world, take stock of our blessings like a swimming pool at home, water from a tap. and supermarkets from where we can stock up for our daily living.
And when you are reading this, join in prayer with the people of Marsabit for rain.

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